And it all happened! Had a phonecall Sunday, interview in Windsor on Monday and hey presto! I'm an enrolled student at EBC ( East Berkshire College) on the Tuesday joining a stitched textiles course which I had presumed full and had applied to do in October 2010.
And as for the moon, it was oh sooo beautiful on Monday but I'd forgotten my camera, then yesterday as I walked the dogs it was shrouded in a halo of fuzzy clouds and I rushed home to record it but....the clouds had cleared and it was simply shining so bright upon us all. This morning ( 7.30 am) it was pearly white against a pale blue sky and with the prettiest grey markings as I drove Miss E to her bus- which post half term re-organisation leaves a full 10 minutes earlier than hitherto!!!- but it was gone when I got home to my camera again.
Lucy's season is just about all over and I let both dogs off lead to roam freely at Cuttlebrook in the early sunshine this morning. It was so good to see them run joyfully about, dashing from tree to brook to fence, even Pippa ran about gleefully. This is a better shot of her aristocratic countenance: post grooming.

Lucy is pretty much the same size as Pippa now, a bit slimmer with thicker paws and longer ears.
This is my view as I walk them every day, twice a day. 2 sets of tan paws, bottoms and black tails. More usually their shoulders actually touch as they walk side by side,exactly in step.
The quality of light on those leaves together with the trunk in the shade was such a contrast I just had to capture it.

Had to go shopping today for lots of sketchbooks and art materials, I had a full day at College yesterday and will have every Tuesday from now on. In addition I'll have about 10 or more hours of work to do in each week and I have a backlog of more than 70 hours drawing and stitching to catch up on as I have missed the first half of the first term. Someone left the course and hence I was offered a place at very short notice ....
Thus the crochet and the blogging will be a little more ad hoc and less frequent for a while at least until the workload settles down- if it ever does that is- the good news is that I have a few little bits of crochet as WIP and I hope these will be finished this week to share with you!!
It's the santa suit for the toy bear and a few colourful gifts for a baby.
I will also post the pattern for the fingerless gloves when I get a spare moment later next week I think.
And finally it's only 19 days countdown to the next issue of Inside Crochet! That'll be issue 5 with 2 of my patterns in it!!!!
Today I received my January 2010 digital issue of CROCHET! and I haven't even had a chance to look at it yet.
Happy hooking in the meantime, ENJOY!
Happy hooking in the meantime, ENJOY!
P s : it looks so easy from the notes above, but I hardly slept on Sunday and I was totally terrified on the Monday for my interview- had to show work and sketchbooks- and even the drive to Windsor on Monday was a test for my sheltered home-based nerves!!!
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