Also after browsing through my newly arrived December issue of Simply Knitting where I was shocked to read of the death in October of MELODY GRIFFITHS.
So in passing St Paul's I said a little prayer in my head for her family and friends and here is my little ''In Memoriam'':
I have 2 books by this wonderful crochet designer and I have enjoyed making the following:

The latest crochet book is about wraps and shawls and having seen it in Waterstones: that's a beauty too. THANKS and praise to a wonderfully gifted and talented lady and my best wishes and thoughts are with her family and friends.
After passing St Pauls and walking the Millenium Bridge( without wobble but I have to say I walked it when it DID wobble and I thought it was rather FUN!!!
Had to smile at the bulging building: desperate to be noticed??? Or just too many cupcakes?
After 2 hours or more in Tate Modern where I had a fantastic time looking at Futurism,Vorticism,Cubism and the like and smiling at Andy Warhol's room of pink cows , being totally AMAZED at the feeling of dwarfism created by a GIANT set of 4 chairs and a table in an artist's room and being thrilled and overjoyed by a bit of Monet,Braque and Mondriaan...
And today after fun and giggles with the kids and some intensive enthusing about the Grinberg Method to friends and family- and updating my facebook page at last!!!- I did some word releasing- this is to be mono-printed on tomorrow but it was such fun! Just wrote whatever words ''popped'' into my head. Miss E read it and couldn't stop laughing...Her ''happy'' words were: ice cream, bubbles,hoover,toaster,doughnut,chocolate biscuits,cupcakes,basket and the rest were lost as she kept collapsing into fits of giggles. There was definitely a sweet tooth type trend though...
First just ''happy'' words with a repeating effect and influenced by today and yesterday.
Then came some sentences but they were very short.This was tremendous fun. There was writing on some of the pictures in Tate Modern yesterday. And LOTS of writing which I read about either the artists or the pictures or the art period/movement.
Writing- hand writing as an abstract pattern. It has a rythm. I found it very hard to write big. It kept moving back to a certain size?
After 2 hours or more in Tate Modern where I had a fantastic time looking at Futurism,Vorticism,Cubism and the like and smiling at Andy Warhol's room of pink cows , being totally AMAZED at the feeling of dwarfism created by a GIANT set of 4 chairs and a table in an artist's room and being thrilled and overjoyed by a bit of Monet,Braque and Mondriaan...
Fascinating and I'm very excited by it's potential but a bit hurt and dissappointed too...
I may be either too ''old'' or too ''physically unfit''...Let's think positive and continue to think NOT!
Soaked by some sudden downpours I caught a late train home and crocheted parts of a puppy-to-be. See?!!
Soaked by some sudden downpours I caught a late train home and crocheted parts of a puppy-to-be. See?!!
FUNNY THING! I think I meant to write Alice as in Alice in Wonderland- due to the LARGE table seen yesterday and yet out came Alison: my piano teacher!!! GUILT! I have not played for a week....LOL
Have a great weekend and if you have time and/or opportunity I can recommend Tate Modern for a lovely free and inspirational few hours!!!!
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