Hi there I hope the weather is better where you are? Ours is grey with low white cloud and very very cold: brrrrrrrrrrrrrr It's trying to snow a little. I don't mind the cold but I DO so need a bit of BLUE sky!
Especially this week as it's been a bit of a humdinger pour moi. So before we get all maudling: HERE is a daffodil I crocheted on 1st March from this FABULOUS website called attic 24 that I'm often mentioning here and this is the link to the daffodil pattern:
It's super easy to crochet because she does step by step PHOTOGRAPHIC tutorials and having made quite a few daffodils from book patterns in my time, this is by far the best I've come across.
And while I was crocheting away my younger- very scruffy- dog was asking to be walked: see? Those pleading eyes... She's called Lucy after the lady who writes Attic 24's blog as I discovered her the night Lucy was born. It was a very loooooooong whelping and I had hours to read the blog and go back through many posts while calming the mother in her labour.
Then I made a leaf, so good, actually looks like a real daffodil leaf and still no walking.
Then there were two and worn as a brooch.
Finally we walked, it was dusk by now but I was excited as these were the FIRST snowdrops seen at Cuttlebrook this year - well by me anyway.
And my news? Well there was the biopsy on my eye on Monday which went ahead although I had convinced myself that it was going to be cancelled.... Then the recovery as I felt sooo much worse coming out of hospital than when I went in. I had a lovely Tuesday as it was sunny and both Lucy and myself were ''groomed'' in that we both has hair trims and shampoos and so on although I doubt Lucy had my lovely scalp massage. Only I didn;t quite like my cut and then JJ took this ever so messy photo.....
Wednesday and Thursday whizzed by in a whirl of work and travel , study , lectures and dancing and then on Friday morning I found a LUMP. Yep: extra large marble sized and with a bruise and in the chest area. Luckily my GP saw me by 9 am and was re-assuring but it's been so sore and it's so hard to marshall and control one's thoughts to be of the POSITIVE kind only. I will NOT permit thoughts of any other kind.
And yet. And yet. I'm simply dying to go and have a good cry? JJ knows and has said nowt and of course the girls don't know. Waiting to go to a b- clinic in about 14 days time.
Then after a 9 hour day at work I came home Friday and JJ was promising to book a holiday cottage but fell asleep, poor dear. He's been working 12 + hour days 6-7 days a week so it's very understandable.
Oh DO get to the point, will you? Yes well so I booked this cottage myself and really kind of splurged as I wanted a treat sooo bad, and guess what ? I booked the WRONG one....Oh you must laugh! How daft is that? I confused Plymouth and Weymouth and now we're booked to go to Devon rather than Dorset?
How can I be such an IDIOT?
Luckily after a few deep breaths and a Baileys I can see the funny side.
It's got sea views so we can either make the most of what we have or I may try to change the booking.
Saturday I to a Ball and danced some lovely dances but after a bit my eye started hurting and I decided to sit out and rest a bit. Not my scene at all I must say. But the music was so lovely it wasn't too bad. And I managed to video the dancers a little.
So that was my week. And on Mother's Day the dog- Lucy woke me up several times very early so I missed my traditional ''breakfast in bed'' . The cards were SUPER and I have been allowed NOT to walk the dogs in this ccccccold weather or order the week's food on-line but sit and crochet AND order a lovely new crochet hook.
THIS is the one I hope will arrive soon from New York no less.

The dinner, washing, cleaning and tidying is all in hand so I can do some mothering still.
Well, I'm sending my positive thoughts to you...You sound like such a trooper, with all the challenges that life is throwing your way!
ReplyDeleteKeep making those beautiful Daffy's as they will, no doubt, cheer you up. And "Bravo" for reserving your vacation. I'm sure it will be lovely regardless of Devon or Dorset...(if it makes you feel better, I would have made that mistake too. I'm sure they are different but I haven't got a clue!!!) Enjoy!
I have a feeling it will be fine.