Mama bird still on her nest so we take the dogs out for some peace and quiet.
I notice the field is suddenly dotted with dandelions or as Miss E used to say : daddy lions.
Flowers are ''on my mind'': teaching a crocheted flowers class tomorrow evening in Henley.
Still not quite able to focus the fancy camera foisted upon me as a birthday present last year...
Blosson trees in the hardens bordering Cuttlebrook.
And the last of the tulips too.
Such glorious blossom, it looks like fluffy pom poms on a tree from afar.
Wild flowers too, the more I look the more I see.
Even the nettles have started flowering. And the first of the bluebells. All these photos were taken on the same walk within a half hour of each other. On 11th April.
The first leaves of the silver birch and a grand flowering hawthorn.
Wild garlic I believe- the white above.
a carpet of forget-me-nots.
Borage as well, we used to have these in our Pimms on a summer's day?( from our garden)
Mama blackbird gone for some foraging, will be back with a worm soon.
,, Kids had fun in a den in the garden all day. Good old fashioned fun!
Come in and join me to muse,discuss,crochet, bake and create!!!
Hello again thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you enjoy what you see and read . If you have any questions: please ask as I would be so very happy to help if I can!
Hello and welcome to my homely world in a small Oxfordshire town in 2013.I am a full- time working mum.
Very proud of 2 gorgeous girls , a fabulous if very stubborn wire haired standard dachshund bitch and her daughter : the daughter takes after her dad so they are very different; a wonderful( well 99% of the time anyway) and long suffering husband.
This is to be my diary of events for a creative crafting sort of person with all the happenings that occur in this day and age in English family life.I am very much learning as I go along, my eldest is my first at all the things that occur in a young person's life as it's all very different from when I was a little girl and I did not grow up in England.
Totally obsessed with textiles and the making of things- anything!
My passion is to make things with yarn or fabric or thread : any textile crafts or beads too.
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