Woke up to breakfast in bed on my birthday this Good Friday: a big number plus one. Miss Y and E had made this together: a yummeeee Dutch B'day breakfast: with pressies too!

The cheese and salami were the Dutch bit, Gouda don't you know, with ''MUM'' on it! DELISH GREENGRAPES AND ORENGE JUICE AS WELL . All of the family on the bed, cuddles etc

Duc D'O choccies, a necklace with inspirational message and lapis and silver earrings: boy was I happy with those!!!

Miss E baked apple cakes : just sooooo lovely! The baby chicks are growing and are fine but leaves now obstruct a good view of the nest.

And THANK YOU GOD for the most brilliant amazingly HOT sunny weather ever!!! Pippa sunbathed. The girls played in a large paddling pool: endless laughter and giggles and JJ and I relaxed in the garden with paper and crochet respectively.SUCH UTTER BLISS.

Plans to walk chapter 9 or 10 of the South Downs Way were revised and put on hold for another day as we did NOT want to sit in the car for hours on SUCH a sunny blue sky day. So we just chilled and were blissfully ecstatically HAPPY together.

A chilled happy JJ.

Miss Y and I played brain master and we watched the beloved G - girls too.

JJ made lunch: BLTs! Mine had a birthday candle!!!

Such a lovely sunny day: cuddles galore