Again the same here at 8.45 in Cuttlebrook: there was this little robin in one of these trees and his song was just beautiful, lyrical, wonderful. A joy to the ears.
Above the mist that is.
I'll say no more: imagine a stillness except for joyous birdsong and enjoy the dreaminess of the morning.

Lucy bounding over the wet grass.
Lucy galloping back to me: her re-call is amazing.

All is quiet, all is still. The stream is like a mirror.
Until a yellow labrador goes swimming in it! Lucy watches entranced but not tempted to join in.
Ripples further downstream, labrador ripples.....
BOO! You can wake up now, there's drawing to be done: aren't these branches striking?! The greens, the striping, the shadows, all of it. Drawing to be done....
News of an exciting trip tomorrow and I have the fingerless gloved pattern written up at long last!!!
Happy dreaming/ crocheting/drawing!!!
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