I had finished the moebius scarf on the Tuesday after our return from Yorkshire so It's about time I showed it to you: TA DAH!!! It's like a cowl and VERRRRRRY SSSSSSOFFFFFT!!!
And therefore very warm too. No I didn't wear it to the science museum, I DID take 2 new little projects along to do on the train and while waiting , on the tube or in queues and more of this later!
The moebius WIP pictures are within the Yorkshire posts and the pattern is in issue 1 of Inside Crochet magazine, it's called CECILY.
On the way to the museum we stopped by the Hummingbird Bakery on Old Brompton Road to sample some of the infamous cupcakes for ourselves and the kids had been looking forward to this enormously as they have been baking from ''the'' book.
Alas the bakery itself was a dissappointment: it was very small, the staff unhelpful ( to put it mildly) and it stank of a strange disinfectant.....No comfy worn leather sofas to lounge on while sipping a latte and enjoying the delightful cakes...
We chose one cake each and hightailed it to the sunny pleasures of the gardens of the Natural History Museum!
vanilla cupcake( JJ), black-bottomed cupcake( Miss youngest): mmmmmm can't wait!
Hours of happy experimenting later and including a rocket show with Newton's laws explained and demonstrated and a ''pringles rocket '' hitting the ceiling we went to the IMAX cinema to watch ''fly me to the moon'' in 3D.
As you can see I'm crocheting while we wait: a trendy triangle mesh scarf for ''going to secondary school'' girl. Having completed project # 1: a neck pouch for her mobile phone on the train journey into London( 1 hour)!
Project details and photos in the next post I promise.
We also watched DEEP SEA 3D and I can heartily recommend both, the space one has cartoons that can get a little annoying to adults but keeps the kids happy and the deep sea is absolutely amazing!!! It's like diving without the hassle: I even felt out of breath until I told myself firmly that NO! I WAS NOT ACTUALLY UNDER WATER!!!!
Fish and weeds float and swim all around you.
The cinema screen is 10x that of usual cinemas or the height of 4 double decker buses apparently.
What a lovely day in London: we are so very blessed with our marvellous musea and cultural treasures! My favourite is the V&A but that'll wait for another time....
See you for lots of CROCHET in the next post I promise but for now there's the last moments of madness with the kids before they go back to school in 2 days- and counting.......
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