Monday 12 April 2010

Princess Hair day

Up late again this time I had been trying to wake them since 10 am.... We made it out by 13.30 today which meant our walk had to be a very little one as hair appointments had been made for 14.15. We walkes at Great Kimble a walk often mentioned and photographed on this here blog so I'll try to keep it to a minimum today.
First there were deer to be seen: 2 large herds or rather 1 herd split between 2 fenced fields: possibly segregation of males and females? Or mated and pregnant and not yet mated?
Lovely blossom. Tree hugging.
Lucy plays this game that most toddlers play: run ahead and hide and then jump out and shout BOO! Only she jumps out and ( mock) attacks Pippa.
Can't see me now can you?
Although it was cold and windy it seemed much sunnier than the photo shows? The sun popped out from time to time.
Bye bye deer.
Who's this? Do I know her????? Well done Brothers of Thame, splendid job.
Oh so sophisticated our Miss Y.
And Miss E had cut and blow-dry PLUS a touch of cornbraiding as they call it in the USA.
When we are this sleek and shiny, all bow dried and perfect we call it Princess hair as in the Princess Diaries film. Shiny hair,smiley faces: family bliss!
Then it was time for the afternoon activity: a spot of scrap-booking or reminiscing of past- sunny- holidays.
Such concentration and fun, can't do this with digi pics can you? I had this lat printed off quite a while ago '' for a rainy day''.
We've decided that Miss Y will have to sleep sitting up so as not to spoil her hair.....
Here she is again just so as we do remember! Isn't it fab? Night Night Miss Y, IT'S 23.13 and BED-TIME!!!!!

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