We've had Open Evenings and Guides and Piano and too many late nights and distractions, my patterns and samples were sent off last Tuesday but still there was soooo much to do for the family this week.....
And then...and then....
Friday 1.34 pm JJ was in a horrendous car crash. Yep bad but we give thanks to the Eternal One
as he's come out of it fairly unscathed...
His Guardian Angel has done a very good job! He's been checked out at hospital and given medications to cope with pain and whiplash and all the bruising, was very confused- gave the wrong date of birth!- as he's banged his head on the dashboard- so much for BMW airbags...!!!
Apparently it inflated and deflated simultaneously and there was ''airbag'' smoke???
The car is an ex car, it is no more, no boot, no back seats, nothing much left .
We are to go visit the remains tomorrow .
Not his fault , some white van braked suddenly and caused a 4 vehicle pile-up. Including a coach.
He's at home this week so the photos and words have to lie in wait for a while and I'll catch up as soon as I can.
Beware of motorways! Beware of other crazy drivers and keep safe!!!
Meanwhile be thankful for all the BLESSINGS OF LIFE.
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