Up go the balloons
And the BUNTING: only we could not find the bunting I sewed especially last year so we had to buy some. I must stop using ''special places'' to put things because they are so special I forget where they are!

The candles on the cupcake were special too: they have different coloured flames but this did not come out in the photos....

It was a very very DENSE cake, very moist and hauntingly moore-ish but of a very subtle and slight vanilla flavour. And not very sweet at all, the icing of course complimented it divinely.
And the BUNTING: only we could not find the bunting I sewed especially last year so we had to buy some. I must stop using ''special places'' to put things because they are so special I forget where they are!
It's that special American type icing that's in the book of the bakery ans which we have made many a time, it's lighter and creamier than UK type icing.

We all had some.... Even me on WW..... Just a TINY wee slice.
I was so proud of this cute wee daffodil! Quite cheered up February greyness.

And there's the - almost nil pro points- vegetable soup: actually this is my version and it WAS delicious! VERY WEIGHT WATCHERS.

The first of many a bunch of daffs in these weeks to come....

On March 22 this is how THIS TREE looked in Cuttlebrook. The coming of SPRING!!!
The catkins were out too but I didn't capture them, Pippa pulling to get home.
Miss Y's birthday dinner wish was a WW Pork Lasagna: again a first recipe for me to try and it was very very good.
Miss Y also had two cakes: a monkey for home and family and a spotted dog ( from Waitrose) for her party on the Saturday with 12 of her school friends.
This time it was sparklers, not coloured flames... HEY WHERE DID THE MONKEY GO?
Then on the 26th in the afternoon: JJ and I went wwalking to enjoy a rare bit of glorious sunshine and celebrate the resolution of the traffic accident Court Case issues.
We had planned to go do a bit of the South Downs Way but due to work commitments decided on a more local Henley walk instead.
WATER AND GLORIOUS BLUE SKIES what more could you wish for?

We saw an extra ordinary miniature railway station in someone's garden, complete with trains and train tracks all around the garden....

The dogs were LOVING it.

Here's the catkins....

Pippa in her habitual ''I DO NOT WANT TO WALK'' mode....

I fancy a trip on the Thames in just such a boat, one day.....
AND HERE IS JJ's cake baked by yours truly. Using the new silicone HEART mould.
It was all eaten within the same day..... Lovely vanilla/ chocolate marble cake.
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