What a lovely and amazing message to discover on a little bridge?!

The start of the walk on the 9th January: the local allotments.

The chickens startled and worried Lucy a bit.

The cock kept crowing and she didn't know where to look! On a lead she didn't try to chase him.

The path ahead.

More allotments further up the path.

View to the right. Chilterns in the far distance.

Straight ahead please.

View on the left.

A raised path between fields, which last summer were shoulder high rapeseed.

Is that St Mary's church tower, in Thame?

Turning left when the raised path forks due to a river.

sky reflected in the river.

Come on let's explore! Lucy is always ahead and loving this.

First time ever I discovered this wood, but it was too muddy to continue.

Lucy waiting for me to catch up.

Luckily Lucy wasn't attracted to the dung heap.

Over the bridge on the way back, where the message is.

The only puddle for miles and lucy had to lie and then roll in this.....

A walk the day before Sunday 8th at Cuttlebrook.

I got really excited when I saw these letters at Tesco: they are in CROCHET!!!!

Speaking of which I have finished the back of the cashmere pink a while ago now:

Lovely zigzaggy EMMA stitch...

We had a lovely fire tonight, but as JJ was on the sofa, there was nowhere to sit?

Also in crochet still playing with samples to try out new stitches, this is from the crochet in photography book.

And this is the progress to date on the WHITE SALICE jacket from KIM HARGREAVES.

I am ALSO soooo excited because BODEN have a CROCHET jacket in their SPRING 2012 catalogue and online!!! Not allowed to show a picture of it here, so google it and have a peep at their site?!! It's in half trebles and dc on alternate rows, in 100 % cotton with turned back and scalloped front edges.
Finalised with domed or bobble crocheted buttons and mock pocket flaps also scalloped with a fan stitch. £99!!! WOW. In NAVY , ECRU or mustard yellow.

Finally apart from the two jackets that I'm making, there's the ripple green one and this multicolour cashmere one too.busy busy busy! But why can't I sleep? Am still up and it's now 4:55 am on Sunday 15th January.