I danced in it at the end of Michaelmas Term dance at Oxford University and it was excellent: very comfortable and kept me cool, but nicely swirly on the turns, especially in Petronellas.
These were the new white leather figure-skates we bought for Miss E in the October after our skating in Oxford at Half Term. They did not have them in my size, but I'm hopeful Santa will find me some too?
This was me taking photos at half term , because I was too ill- chesty and full of cold to skate: ooh SUCH a shame!!! And I lost a pair of black leather driving gloves ( for my new black panther convertible )with cream piping and buttons too.
But it was then that I took the details of the skates for Miss E AND the details of OXIST so we agreed we'd come back and try OXIST out. This we did last week: Miss E and I, on Sunday.
Much quieter but all skaters were highly proficient- very inspiring ! Only Miss E was a little put off at first.
There she is loving it in her new skates ( early pressie from Santa)
Waiting for the bus home after a bit of shopping in Oxford too- new jumper for Miss E.

Then this week to the Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health for an all-day workshop , and I walked from Theobold St down Holborn to Oxford St. Sorry for blurry photo of X-mas lights.
And John Lewis had some lovely in-store decs up too. I went in to buy some lining for dance dresses.
The chocolate advent calendar is hung high in the staircase hallway so Lucy can't get at it but she sits below it and whines....I still have quite some X-mas shopping to do and it's our 11 year anniversary next week. Work's very busy and Miss A has now performed for 4 nights in the joint school play which we attended on Friday and it was very very good. Much higher standard than at primary school.
I tried to provide laughs by including a video clip JJ took of me when we had a fishy pedicure in Wales in July: it's all giggles , do have a look it may make you laugh! It was such fun to do.
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