It's been such a busy week, Miss Y 's music concert on Monday ( glee club) , Crochet class on Tuesday- my ladies learned to do granny squares and brought scarves and hats and a flower that they'd made- wow sooo pleased! Wednesday dancing at the University after working late at the office as well as Newbury driving the A34 in thick fog, Thursday collapsed with a migraine but managed to visit Lucy Clark by evening, Friday more migraine and late evening sewing - dance dress try-outs, Saturday IKEA- Miss Y benefitted from a new desk, bedside unit and desk-chair, in the evening I almost didn;t go but was very glad I went dancing in Oxford.
I danced 10 dances and learned 6 new ones, it was such glorious fun .
Today I walked and sewed the sofa cushion covers.... Phew no wonder I'm feeling so tired?
New shoots near Moreton on a very early walk with JJ, Saturday ( 9 am!)

Moreton on the way home, two sloe trees had been cut down- sad face- and another tree has shrivelled sloes on it still, I wonder why?
This was today at about 2pm on the chicken walk...
Lovely path, autumn colours.
Lucy thinking of rolling in something?

Then back home again, greyer now and a bit chilly.

Lucy loved it.
Making a crocheted tartan sash to wear for dance classes when I'm dancing ''as a man''.
This is the progress on the sofa thus far. By 8pm today I have also finished one of the back seat cushions and have inserted the zipper on the second. Had to stop as I need a few more metres of piping cord.

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