Say hello to Lennie the Lion, my first ever finger- puppet! For Operation Christmas Child of course.

Pattern from Inside Crochet mag, latest issue: #24 with the weird green baby hat on the cover.

OK ok hand embroidery has never been a forte of mine...Kinda cute though?

At 17 degrees C and sunny at 1pm on 13th NOVEMBER????? aMAAAZING. This was Cuttlebrook where at last the leaves are falling/ have fallen. Tiny bit of autumn.

Lucy BEHIND me , what's going on? She usually races ahead.

Lovely trees.

Lucy panting. Maybe she's too hot? Or unfit? Or exhausted? We walked from the top of the upper High st today AND stopped off at the Children In Need stall AND had walked round the block at home with Pippa too.

Such gorgeous trees.

No she definitely didn't want to walk, she's still way behind.

Here are just some of the delicious cupcakes Miss E baked on Saturday 12th. With Hummingbird bakery recipes and Hummingbird frostings.

Aren't they lovely? I'm just sorry I didn't get a photo of the PUDSEY BEAR ones she iced by hand with a yellow bear face and spotted eye bandage? And she did some RAINBOW ones too.

She was baking ALL day from 8 am to the evening and had shopped at Waitrose on the Friday evening for all the ingredients. ( huge bill but never mind) We're sooo PROUD of her!!!!

And here they are a team of 4 from year 9 AHS manning their charity bake sale stand in Thame.

THANK YOU to the people of Thame who supported them as everything SOLD and they have just over £150 to give to the CHILDREN IN NEED charity! WELL DONE girls!

And this is the left front of the white cotton SALICE I finished yesterday evening at the Autumn concert at AHS. Miss Y was in the GLEE club performance. The music and singing was of an outstandingly excellent standard and that's speaking honestly, as a classic FM devotee, not as a mum. I thought I'd video-ed it on my i-phone but ooops I got only a small part and somehow all you can see is my skirt, not sure why. I'm certain I focused on Miss Y who was in the front row.
So proud of BOTH my daughters! WOW.
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