11th March 2011 and it's a certain young lady's birthday.... Fifi looks out for her to return from school. New dungarees,breton sweater and super cool sunglasses today.
Spring flowers for the table: such a lovely cheery sight.
Twas a beautiful day, not sunny but very warm: 16 degrees C already, walked the dogs with no coat for the first time this year and with cardigan unbuttoned. Birdsong was almost deafening in it's variety and volume at Cuttlebrook and buds and leaves are unfurling fast, the trees are ''greening'' up. Miss Y had a lovely day at school though a birthday at school can be less fun for some, not so here! Even a ''maths test without calculators'' had her exclaiming her joy at the fun of it, finishing early and loving her cello tunes at orchestra time. ( as well as the fudge)
And the candles are lit amidst lots of song, Miss Y insisted on baking this cake herself last night
and decorating it too.
A huff and a puff and a blow a blow, blow: wishes are made.
Who is this slice for: can anyone guess? This is all there is left and there's only 4 of us?
Come in and join me to muse,discuss,crochet, bake and create!!!
Hello again thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you enjoy what you see and read . If you have any questions: please ask as I would be so very happy to help if I can!
Hello and welcome to my homely world in a small Oxfordshire town in 2013.I am a full- time working mum.
Very proud of 2 gorgeous girls , a fabulous if very stubborn wire haired standard dachshund bitch and her daughter : the daughter takes after her dad so they are very different; a wonderful( well 99% of the time anyway) and long suffering husband.
This is to be my diary of events for a creative crafting sort of person with all the happenings that occur in this day and age in English family life.I am very much learning as I go along, my eldest is my first at all the things that occur in a young person's life as it's all very different from when I was a little girl and I did not grow up in England.
Totally obsessed with textiles and the making of things- anything!
My passion is to make things with yarn or fabric or thread : any textile crafts or beads too.
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