This was Hobby craft a week before half term because I didn't wish to start this post with CAKE!!!

This is a bracelet Miss Y was going to crochet from a book I had from the library and we were looking at cotton yarns in Hobbycraft Aylesbury.

SEE? I thought this was a great pink colour, by the way I'm wearing my newly crocheted pure cashmere scarf: blisserenity!!!

Ah yes, back to CAKE! Miss Y kindly baked this for the friends coming to play-day as by then the family had eaten all the chocolate brownies and choccie- flake thingummies I'd purchased for the occasion.

Spot the divine new tablecloth we treated ourselves to 2 weeks ago....

Thurday while baking and playing was going on with JJ in the far north of Scotland or the day I was working from home doing an online computer course on Word 2007.

Voila, I will take a better picture soon, the scarf above and Salice the back completed below.

Thursday night I was very ill again and slept in to the afternoon to compensate. Girls did too so the London trip was amended for a late afternoon escape into Oxford as JJ had meetings in our kitchen. We arrived in Oxford centre at 18:05 and still found the perfect BOOTS for both girls at Clarks. RESULT! We had also been to TKMAXX- nowt worth trying on and then got stuck in traffic since 5pm.
The recipe for the pudding is from WAITROSE and has now been in use by our family annually since 2004.