Been blue, but these lovely images in Cuttlebrook keep me going. Am blessed indeed to be able to walk there for a half hour or more every morning!

Tuesday was college: 3D work and then Wednesday and Thursday were doing the extended work at home following on from the college work. Can you see a bird in flight?

Lovely linear elements: drew them the other day, or rather I tried to but the depth and feelings are hard to capture.

Our beloved tree: water is high and very muddy and is slow flowing here but has been very fast for some days.

frothy from the weir nearby?

Monday spent all day cleaning and beautifying the home for a ''Pampered Chef ''party to cheer us all up!!!

Pear and almond frangipani tart: yummeeeeeeee

Our helpful consultant Kate makes it all look so easy.

''smile for the camera!''
Bye again for now, but the above recipe WILL be blogged sometime in February I promise.
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