Little Holiday to re-charge those sun depletion batteries....
View from balcony of room on arrival. The aqua-parc , the beaches and the bay.
Looking the other way, towards the sea....
Dinner first day- sea bass and lots of veg.
Also salads and a cheese pastry... Oh the olives! And smoked trout.
Choice of desserts, trying to avoid the nuts. I scooped off those pesky but decorative pistachios.

Night time falls and the pool still looks so idyllic. Heaven.
Morning sun on day 1 of just being there... ( Travel was day zero)
Warm morning sun on my balcony with a sea -view!
Fresh orange juice being made for me, it takes 4 oranges for a small glass, DELICIOUS!
And fresh omelettes being made for you each morning! Toamtoes, grated cheese and lots of fresh leaf parsley.
And I got rather ''hooked'' on these sesame seed covered rings, yummy! The brown rolls I tried turned out to have nuts in, scary moment that, lucky I got it all spat out and rinsed in time. I am allergic to nuts. So I stuck to these sesame seed rolls for fibre.

Entertainment team doing a routine at 10 to 10 am each morning on the main swimming pool bridge to get folk up and interested in their programme of games .
As seen from the balcony where I was having breakfast.
These peaches, pears and cherries were delicious too.
View of room door and position...
Lemon geraniums right outside my door, that must mean something? Luck!
Is it lunch already?
Even more pretty little dessert tarts and cake-lets. Trying to avoid or guess at the nut content.
The light cake drenched in honey at left was amazing.The topping of the strawberry tart was nuts after all and the toffee icing on the vanilla cake-let was very more-ish too.
Now for a gallery of the displays the hotel gave of these amazing desserts:
And this is a view seen as one walks back from one of the 5 restaurants to either the balcony, the pool-side or the beach or well there's so much choice! 5 swimming pools, a gym, a platform at sea or
several beaches, and many little seating areas with stunning views over sea or swimming pools.
I choose to go lie by the main swimming pool, it's very quiet as it's so very early in the ''season''.
Another viewing and seating area here with comfy sofas in the shade.

And this below was a platform in prior years in high season, We came in 2005, 2006 and 2008 .
Now being repaired during ''low season''?
There is this smaller short platform instead.
The patisserie house where we used to go for ice cream is also closed.
On this platform- and as you can see it was deserted, quite empty- I played my Scottish dance music and danced for a good hour to Jigs, Reels and Strathspeys! Lots of setting and fun dancing as it was quite bouncy being all wood planks. I dances reels of 3 or 4 with imaginary people, I did set and turns, and twirls and even some circling round with ghosts.
Set and rotate, set and link for 3, diagonal reels of 4 you name it , I had SUCH FUN!
Until I danced onto a bee.... OUCH! Lucky for me it was a drowsy sleepy bee and I could pull it off my toe and also extract the sting. Good job nobody could hear the few choice words I said at that time. I feared I had hurt my foot badly and on day 1 but no all was well again and I carried on dancing. ( 6 to 7 pm Turkish Time)