A quick crocheting update, this weekend started well with a gauge swatch for the Rebel cardigan
for which I show the picture above as well as the link to the pattern on Ravelry.
I am doing the Craftsy Class with this tutor and thus did a really proper swatch and washed and dried it too!
I am using King Cole bamboo cotton in navy, a 15 mm knitting needle and a 3.5 mm hook here.
And here is my swatch all washed and dried , only one mistake made and that is the dc( sc) row straight after the chain row, I forgot it and picked up loops straight away.
Alas it turned out too loose and I haven;t worked the next swatch yet, the one without the mistake and using a 12 mm needle and 3 mm hook?
I like the swatch though and can see myself making a sleeve for a lacy shrug or summer jacket with this stitch? The weekend started really well with two irresistable new crochet magazine issues on the stand ( but not for long!) and a cheery bunch of fresh flowers.
Now I have resisted these for a few months now, esecially Simply Crochet as the patterns were just too simple and basic, I have had the prior issue of Inside Crochet though.
This time I had fun looking through and saw at least 3 patterns I liked in each and the pins will come in really useful too.
Last week in a lunch break I saw a fun pattern online in ravelry pages that I just HAD to try: I need to make a present for Sister who is having her jubilee soon and what better than a ( prayer) shawl?
It's a fab free pattern called I promise you pineapples:
Now I have always wanted to do those so I just started Sunday and COULD NOT STOP!
it's a highly addictive wonderful pattern: could not put it down as In caught up with the Honourable Woman and the Village on BBC I-player?
I'm using DROPS DELIGHT and a 5 mm hook and had to add extra rows to make it bigger?
This is what I did Sunday ? After I'd been to Stonor Park- more of that on a later post.
Then today I picked it up and just kept going and going.... It's even bigger now- no photo yet- and weighs over 156g. I'm using blue-mix and beige-blue mix colours.
And although not shown I have worked all but the last row of the pineapples now, they are really easy to do!
I have run out of wool with only 2-3 rows left to do, but I will also add an edging to the top edge for a nicer finish so have ordered some more today?
SUCH FUN! Do have a go as the pattern is free and really well written?