Now for the SHOW!
I was impressed by the postcard exhibition, all from hobby sewers, rather fun.

Costumes from Downton Abbey:

Mnay textile artists were featured, more than I had been expecting in fact. I usually go to the Ally Paly Knitting and Stitching show instead of this one...
There was a fashion show at 13:00 hrs of which this is a peep.
Big skirts from the 50's, circle cut or gathered over big nett petticoats were featured as back ''in''.

And there was a competition for school pupils age 14-17 : 14 models on different themes, some Audrey Hepburn, some 60's icons...
Although there was some knitting going on, there was very little yarn and no crochet nor any book stands but I DID spy a lady making THIS: in rooster almerino from laughing hens we think...
Lovely colours, no? All SEWN together. I was making a new scarf on the train- I had an hour wait in Banbury- which I will show soon..
This was a booth on ''connections'' and I loved these ZIPPER people...
Some amaaaazing machine- but automated- embroidery....
And truly beautiful sewing: There's a course on CHANEL jackets like this one that I'd like to go on! Includes braid making and jewel neck fitted jackets..
Then I found an artist from Oxfordshire with the most lovely pieces including THIS one, which I was hoping to BUY for our redecorated, re incarnated living room but JJ is a bit lukewarm about it?
I watched many demo's : including bust dart changing, fimo cane and flower bead making, monoprinting with thickened manutex textile dye in a squeezee bottle, needle felting, soklusheet puckering, etc etc But I really LOVED THIS ONE: Making RESIN jewellery pieces...!!!
Maybe THIS is the workshop I should claim for my birthday as there's one just 2 days after my real b'day..?
And then all too soon- especially as I arrived at 12 noon due to trains etc- it was 17:30 and the show closed..BYE BYE!
Summer Speed
1 year ago